Monday, August 20, 2007

Whole Foods Vs. Processed Foods

I want to speak a little bit about why Processed Foods are a large part of the Health Crisis in America today. In the most medically advanced country in the world we have almost epidemic proportions of Cancer, Heart Disease, and Adult Onset Diabetes. How can that be? Well we do live longer, thanks to the advances in Medicine, but the quality of that life extension leaves much to be desired. It seems we just keep adding one new pill to the last one to offset the bad effects of the first one,and so on. The truth is that our bodies were created to run on Whole Foods, not chemically altered and processed foods. So Medicine keeps us living longer, but our diets keep us getting sicker. It is a vicious circle.

Back in the 1960's the Food Industry came out with Partially Hydrogenated Oils! What exactly is that?- and why is it bad for us? Well Partially Hydrogenated Oils were developed to help extend the shelf life of food products. Hydrogen is boiled through fat- peanut fat, soybean fat, etc., and the hydrogen molecules bond to the fat. The problem is that our enzymes cannot break down these bonds and so the fat accumulates over the years. We cannot process this excess fat out of the body and we see a tremendous increase in Cancer,Heart Disease and Adult Onset Diabetes, for example. This increase is seenmostly in countries where we use these additives and preservatives. They are not as prevalent in third world countries.

Another product that we add to our diets that is of great concern is High Fructose Corn Syrup. It sounds okay, but it was actually invented in Japan in 1971 and is a completely unnatural sweetener that is used in almost everything we eat and drink. The chemical and molecular structure of the syrup in corn is altered to make it six times sweeter than sugar! The reason for this is that it is so much cheaper to add to foods than sugar!- not because it is healthier, just because it costs less, and so it creates more profit to the food companies.

If you want to lose weight in a healthy way try cutting these additives from your diet- read the labels of everything you eat and drink- you'll be amazed at the results! For healthy alternatives stay with live whole foods as much as possible. Visit my website: for more details.